Hugo Zaragoza

Hugo Zaragoza

Title: Some of the Problems and Applications of Opinion Analysis

Websays strives to provide the best possible analysis of online conversation to marketing and social media analysts. One of the obsessions of Websays is to provide “near-man-made” data quality at marginal costs. I will discuss how we approach this problem using innovative machine learning and UI approaches.

Hugo Zaragoza is the founding CEO of Websays, a company dedicated to the analysis of conversations and opinions online. Hugo has been a researcher at the frontier of Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Search (or Information Retrieval) for over ten years. At Yahoo! Research (Barcelona) Hugo led the Natural Language Retrieval group from 2006 to 2011. From 2001 to 2006 Hugo worked at Microsoft Research (Cambridge, UK). Before this Hugo obtained a Ph.D. in probabilistic inference models for text analysis at the U. Paris 6.

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